What does ied mean in the military

Despite this, results will be used to support the definition of Common Staff Requirement for the FRCC and could also be used within the industry to further develop new Route Clearance capabilities.

Under the Swedish leadership Sweden, Germany and Italy will identify new sensors for fast stand-off detection of existing and new types of explosives embedded in IEDs and other explosive threats, covering both trace and bulk detection. Besides a technology survey of potential suitable technologies e. The expected outcomes should pave the way for future research and development of novel integrated detection technologies.

Two other countries have confirmed interest and are expected to join in early Find more information here: styxstand-off-detection-of-hybrid-threats-containing-explosives.

EDA has vast experience in organising pilot training activities. Among others, in cooperation with its Member States, specific activities ranging from homemade explosives, Military Working Dogs, post-blast investigation have been executed too. As regards research and technology, keeping a comprehensive and broad understanding of its outputs is a key activity to drive the industry, technology and research priorities to a closer alignment with real operational requirements definition.

Any EOD neutralization method incorporates some degree of likelihood of setting off the device, which means that, the risks and consequences of an eventual accidental explosion must be considered, even if its probability is considered low. Counter-IED is per definition a functional capability area, which synchronizes and coordinates enablers from the three classical domains air, land, maritime and all combat functions with focus on Intelligence, Manoeuvre and Protection , with the aim of anticipating the use of IED Attack the Network , rendering safe the IED threat Defeat the Device and mitigating the effects of the IED if it is not anticipated or defeated Protect the Force.

If we consider a systematic approach, Counter-IED is a system of enabler capabilities, that defines the overarching framework how the different enablers interact to achieve the desired end state: IEDs are not employed effectively in the battlefield.

As such, developing capabilities in the Counter-IED area does not suffice if the proper integration of enablers is not assured. The Bison Counter multinational live exercise series was initiated in to address this feature, growing further in its second edition in and currently delivering its third edition in The success of these exercises, which became the biggest and most complete multinational Counter-IED exercise in EU, paved the way for the follow-on project currently under development, which aims at establishing the framework for another 3 editions in , and The Bison Counter main objective is to fully integrate the high-end technical level training with the operational level Intel driven planning cycle.

The area of stand-off detection of IEDs - the ability to detect IEDs from a safe distance without disturbance - is an identified shortfall in terms of operational requirements, as well as regards technology.

From inside their reinforced cocoon — constructed layer upon layer with ways to protect the human cargo inside — three Arizona National Guard Army engineers scan highway edges. They look for signs of digging, suspicious debris or any other anomaly in the dirt that hints at a buried explosive. The rate of Americans dying or becoming dismembered by improvised explosive devices IEDs , for 10 years the tormentor of U.

But lives still depend on what soldiers see or don't see. It's an enduring legacy of the homemade bomb that has created more American casualties over a decade and two wars than any other weapon. What someone didn't see in the dirt along this same highway just 12 weeks earlier was a buried IED weighing hundreds of pounds. It killed 1st Lt. William Ostlund, commander of U. So in the cramped quarters of the RG this day, amid the smell of beef jerky and the cases of Burn and Rip It energy drinks, there lurks in the recesses of every soldier's mind one thought.

Kyle Esplin, 22, who waits tables in Tucson; Spc. That's more than 3, dead and 33, wounded. Among the worst of the casualties are nearly 1, U. When one of the first Americans serving in Iraq, year-old Pfc. Jeremiah Smith, 25, of Odessa, Mo. The Defense Department inadvertently applied an oxymoron, saying he was "hit by unexploded ordnance. The terror of the weapon continues to this day. Even as American forces leave Afghanistan, small numbers of U. November marked 10 years since the first U.

Jay Blessing, an Army Ranger, killed when the "thin-skinned" or unarmored Humvee he was driving was hit by a buried bomb Nov. The military has since gone back to identify a few earlier cases that technically qualify as IED attacks, including the death of Navy SEAL Matthew Bourgeois, 35, of Tallahassee, from a land mine wired to homemade bombs near Kandahar on March 28, The IED, made for as little as a few hundred dollars each and produced by the thousands yearly first in Iraq and then Afghanistan, has changed the arc of how America wages war and how military medicine cares for the wounded.

It is a considerable feat for a triggering device made of wood and wire. The bombs radically affected how the American military could move around the war zone, creating a heavy reliance on helicopters and other aircraft in order to avoid roads, says Army Lt. Hundreds of millions in research dollars have been spent on understanding, identifying and treating the twin invisible maladies most often associated with these bombs: traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Military and private researchers estimate the number of uniformed victims in the hundreds of thousands. The IED has given rise to a multibillion-dollar industry in vehicle and body armor, robots, ground-penetrating radar, surveillance, electrical jamming, counterintelligence, computer analysis and computerized prostheses. The Government Accountability Office says it's impossible to estimate the total U. In , when American troops were losing limbs from blasts about every other day on average, the word IED — a military acronym for "improvised explosive device" — was so widely used it formally entered the American lexicon, accepted into Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary.

Fours year later, at the height of the Afghanistan War, the pace of U. They call it "going boom. Leif Skoog, 23, a roofer back in Phoenix, was Oct.

He and Crane were in an RG that was pushing an 8,pound roller in front of the vehicle, a device designed to detonate anything buried before the truck passes over it.

That's exactly what happened. The roller was destroyed, but the RG survived. For those inside, there was the shock of the explosion, painful ear pressure, air made black with billowing dirt and dust, and a chemical smell that burned the nostrils. Skoog, closer to the blast in the driver's seat, was stunned and disoriented.


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