Closing the book on the catalogue will help us focus on delivering exciting and inspiring digital shopping experiences to meet the changing needs of our customers. Since its launch back in , over 1 billion copies have been printed and at one time it was Europe's most widely-printed publication. Two editions of the Argos catalogue are printed each year, with many celebrities having teamed up with the retailer over the years, including Holly Willoughby, Spencer Matthews, Emma Bunton - and even Arnold Scwharzenegger.
Argos said it would still print its Christmas Gift Guide, which will be rolled out in stores later this year. ES Money. A spokesperson told Metro. Over almost 50 years, one billion copies have been printed. To catch the tears of joy. There are so many beautiful things. In recent years, Argos has adapted to the online market and installed tablet computers in its shops to allow customers to see what is in stock.
It's been a staple of UK retailing for almost 50 years and was the basis for many a child's Christmas wishlist, but after more than a billion copies, the Argos catalogue will soon be no more. The encyclopedia-like catalogues, first launched in , will no longer be regularly printed by the end of next January, the company has said. At its peak the "laminated book of dreams", as comedian Bill Bailey called it, was Europe's most widely-printed publication, with only the Bible in more homes across the UK.
More than one billion copies of the plastic-coated bi-annual catalogue were printed during its year run. Clicking, it said, offers "greater convenience" than flicking through its print catalogue and no further take-home editions will be produced.
July 30, am Updated pm. Closing the book on the catalogue A new focus on online shopping propelled the company to make a digital-only move. The freshest exclusives and sharpest analysis, curated for your inbox Email address is invalid Thank you for subscribing!
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