How long should tulle be for baby tutu

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Types of Tulle Melissa suggests using polyester tulle for the bounciest and fluffiest tutus, while nylon tulle makes a better choice for a less voluminous skirt.

Tulle Lengths Cut your tulle twice as long as the desired length of your tutu, referring to the size chart below. One thought Place your elastic on a mannequin or other object. Because we doubled the tulle in the beginning, each cut will result in two strips. Tip: You'll notice tulle fabric is more stretchy in one direction than the other.

If you want your tulle strips to all sit evenly then you need to cut the strips along the direction of the tulle that is less stretchy. If not your tutu strips might appear curly, and the strips won't sit as evenly resulting in uneven puffiness of the skirt.

My friend's daughter's waist is 50 cm 20 inches so I wanted to make a tutu that would fit her now and into the future. I chose to cut 43 cm 17 inches of elastic. In hindsight I could have used 40 cm 16 inches and I think it would have been perfect, but I guess she'll fit it for longer.

Once you've chosen the length you want cut a few inches less than their waist size , sew the elastic ends together to form a loop of elastic. Now you need to knot all the pieces of tulle onto the elastic waistband. It is easy if you stretch the elastic loop around a large book to hold it in place. Next take your strips of tulle I kept mine layered so that I was knotting on two pieces at a time , and fold at the center point.

Put this center loop under the top of the elastic and then pull the ends of the tulle over the elastic and through the loop so that the tulle knots onto the elastic.

Repeat over and over again until you've tied all your tulle strips onto the elastic. I found that you need to pull the knots firmly but not too tight otherwise the elastic will stretch a lot and your waistband will be larger than you want it to be. Once all the tulle is knotted in place you will have a lovely full looking tutu like this. If you'd like to add a bow to your tutu cut a long length of ribbon. I forgot to measure it exactly, but I experimented first so I knew how much I needed before I trimmed the ribbon down.

I imagine I used no more than four times the length of the tutu, so I probably used a bit less than 1 m 40 inches. Loop the midpoint of the ribbon onto the elastic just like you did with the tulle. Now that it is in place, tie a bow and trim the ends of the ribbon so that they sit just above the length of the tulle. You can slightly melt the end of your ribbon or use a special spray to prevent the ends from fraying.

Sew through the ends several times pulling the thread taut after each stitch. Finish stitching back where you started, and then tie the ends of the thread together a few times and snip the excess thread. Part 2. Place your elastic on a mannequin or other object. It is helpful to have your elastic stabilized on a mannequin or object while you work.

Pick up a few strips and fold them in half. Your tutu will look fuller if you use a few strips at a time, so pick up 2 or 3 strips and then fold the strips in half lengthwise. Make sure that the edges are all lined up and insert one finger through the folded end of the strips. Tuck the fold under the elastic.

Next, tuck the folded ends of the tulle underneath the elastic coming from below the elastic band. Insert the ends of the tulle strips through the opening. Next, take the ends of the tulle and bring them up in front of the elastic waistband. Insert all of the ends through the loop that has been created by the folded ends of the strips.

Pull the ends of the tulle through the loop completely to form a tight knot around the elastic band. Repeat this all the way around the elastic. You will need to attach all of your tulle strips in the same fashion until you have covered the entire waistband. Make sure to slide the knots together as you go to ensure that your tutu is nice and full. Scrunch and fan out the tulle as desired. After you have attached all of the elastic to your waistband, you can use your fingers to scrunch and fan out the tulle as desired.

Scrunching the tulle will give the tutu a crinkly, poofy look, while fanning out the tulle will help to make it look fuller. Part 3. Use ribbon in place of elastic. One easy way to customize your tutu is to use a long piece of ribbon instead of a piece of elastic. Then, create the tutu by making knots with the tulle around the ribbon instead of around elastic. When you are done, you can secure the ribbon tutu by tying the ribbon in a bow around your waist.

Add an embellishment. Adding an embellishment is another fun way to customize a tutu. You can add a flower, a bow, a decorative button, a brooch, or something else that sets off the colors of your tutu.

You can either sew or pin your embellishment in place. Experiment with different color combinations. You can use color combinations to customize your tutu as well.

Try combining colors to match a specific onesie, top, or leotard. Or, consider how the tutu might be used to decide which color combination to use. If the tutu is going to be paired with a blue and green t-shirt, then try making a blue and green tutu to match it.

Katrina Grant. Measure the tulle and elastic exactly as stated above. Using a fabric glue, or super glue, generously apply the glue to both ends of the elastic. Making a circle with the elastic, press both ends together firmly until set.

Continue to make the tulle skirt by folding your tulle strips in half and looping them around the elastic exactly how you would if using ribbon. Not Helpful 5 Helpful Yes, you should be able to get all of it at any craft store. Not Helpful 2 Helpful Not Helpful 4 Helpful You could take green tulle and make a tutu, and on one of the pieces you could sew on a piece of black tulle.

Not Helpful 13 Helpful Use a spool of ribbon and follow the directions for making a "no-sew tutu". Not Helpful 8 Helpful Anna Sekeres. Just make it his favorite color.


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