Quinoa why

By including quinoa in your diet, you will significantly increase your total intake of these and other important nutrients. Quinoa contains large amounts of flavonoids, including quercetin and kaempferol. These are potent plant antioxidants with numerous health benefits. Another important benefit of quinoa is its high fiber content. One study that looked at 4 varieties of quinoa found a range of 10—16 grams of fiber per every grams This equals 17—27 grams per cup, which is very high — more than twice as high as most grains.

Boiled quinoa contains much less fiber, gram for gram because it absorbs so much water. That being said, the soluble fiber content in quinoa is still quite decent, with about 2. Numerous studies show that soluble fiber can help reduce blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, increase fullness and help with weight loss 12 , 13 , Quinoa is much higher in fiber than most grains.

One study found 17—27 grams of fiber per cup grams. Most of the fiber is insoluble, but one cup of quinoa still contains 2. According to a survey, about one-third of people in the US are trying to minimize or avoid gluten These foods are no better than their gluten-containing counterparts, as gluten-free junk food is still junk food. Studies have shown that using quinoa instead of typical gluten-free ingredients like refined tapioca, potato, corn and rice flour can dramatically increase the nutrient and antioxidant value of your diet 16 , Quinoa is naturally gluten-free.

Protein is made of amino acids, nine of which are called essential, as your body cannot produce them and needs to obtain them through your diet. The problem is that many plant foods are deficient in certain essential amino acids, such as lysine. However, quinoa is an exception to this, because it contains sufficient amounts of all the essential amino acids.. It has both more and better protein than most grains With 8 grams of quality protein per cup grams , quinoa is an excellent plant-based protein source for vegetarians and vegans.

Quinoa is high in protein compared to most plant foods. It also contains all the essential amino acids that you need, making it an excellent protein source for vegetarians and vegans. Eating foods that are high on the glycemic index can stimulate hunger and contribute to obesity 19 , Such foods have also been linked to many of the common, chronic, Western diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease Quinoa has a glycemic index of 53, which is considered low The glycemic index of quinoa is around 53, which is considered low.

This is particularly true of some minerals, especially magnesium , potassium, zinc and for women iron. The problem is that it also contains a substance called phytic acid , which can bind these minerals and reduce their absorption Quinoa is also pretty high in oxalates , which reduce the absorption of calcium and can cause problems for certain individuals with recurring kidney stones 24 , Quinoa is very high in minerals, but its phytic acid can partly prevent them from being absorbed.

Soaking or sprouting degrades most of the phytic acid. Given its high beneficial nutrient content, it makes sense that quinoa could improve metabolic health. To date, two studies, in humans and rats respectively, examined the effects of quinoa on metabolic health.

The human-based study found that using quinoa instead of typical gluten-free breads and pastas significantly reduced blood sugar, insulin and triglyceride levels Research in rats showed that adding quinoa to a diet high in fructose almost completely inhibited the negative effects of fructose Two studies, in humans and rats respectively, show that quinoa can improve metabolic health, by reducing blood sugar, insulin and triglyceride levels.

However, more research is needed. Quinoa is very high in antioxidants, which are substances that neutralize free radicals and are believed to help fight aging and many diseases. One study, researching antioxidant levels in five cereals, three pseudo-cereals and two legumes found that quinoa had the highest antioxidant content of all ten foods Allowing the seeds to sprout seems to increase the antioxidant content even further Quinoa appears to be very high in antioxidants.

However, there is more than varieties of quinoa. A study examining red, black and white quinoa found that while black quinoa has the lowest fat content, it has the highest omega-3 fatty acid and carotenoid contents. The same study analyzed the antioxidant content of each time and found that the darker the color, the higher the antioxidant capacity. Contains all nine essential amino acids:.

This seed contains all nine essential amino acids making it a complete protein one of the best to consume. In addition to protein, it contains a reduced amount of carbohydrates and is high in fiber, vitamins including B vitamins and is rich in vital minerals such as iron, calcium, and potassium. Contains plant-fighting compounds called quercetin , a powerful antioxidant:.

Quinoa is also rich in indispensable fatty acids and antioxidants. Quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in quinoa has been shown to have anti-viral and anti-cancer properties. For people that need to follow a gluten free diet due to Celiac disease of gluten sensitivity, quinoa is free of gluten.

Quinoa is high in many nutrients, one being magnesium which is particularly prevalent in this seed. Magnesium is a mineral that is actively involved with cell signaling, nerve impulses, muscle relaxation, and maintaining a normal heart rhythm.

So, I decided to get to the bottom of it and got in touch with Dr. A lot of people in the past have visited our hospital because of severe stomach ache.

Further investigation showed that the patient had quinoa as the last meal before the pain started. But why was it happening with people like me? This was something I wanted an answer to. Quinoa contains high content of fibre. Hence, if you suddenly start consuming too much of fibre, your digestive system might not be able to digest it.

She added that quinoa has a natural coating of saponin, a chemical that helps repel microbes while the seed of quinoa is in its growing stage. So, should you really add quinoa to your diet? So, you can definitely give it a try. However, keep these pointers suggested by Dr. Pathania in mind before you include quinoa in your diet:. Rinse the quinoa thoroughly before cooking so as to get rid of the saponin that might have remained stuck to its surface. Doing so can spare you the horror of loose motions later.


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