Is it possible to stop loving your parents

So act in a mature manner, highlight your thoughts, expectations and how your partner is just suitable for it. And after listening to them, try to clarify their doubts. Make them realize that few of their fears and thoughts with respect to society and community are so ungrounded. If your parents are still stubborn and adamant not to support your decision, you can involve your extended family i.

You can try and convince your grandparents or relatives who are elder to your parents, and who you are comfortable talking. There is a possibility that your parents will get convinced by them. This can play a crucial role in convincing your parents. The more support you get from your own close relatives, that much more your parents would try to understand and get the courage to support you.

Now you need to introduce your partner. Give your partner and your parents time to understand each other. Before introducing your partner to parents, do give a brief idea about each family member to your partner.

The most important thing is to establish a comfort between your partner and your own family. Remember that in all the process you need to be very patient, positive and have empathy towards your parents feeling. We already feel like we are horrible people.

Almost all of us are further isolated over the years and we have to go it alone and in anger and despair. Sometimes the only thing that we have left is to blame others for triggering us. One thing you have to understand as how alone we abusers really are. And I can honestly tell you… As a depressed person… That there is an incredible and deep love for my children.

I want to thank you for offering an opportunity to see an issue from another point of view. I hear your pain. And I agree, abusers are wounded people, too. They need healing, too. I think the issue is that abusers rarely look for help. And even when they do, they still tend to blame the victims.

I know you love your kids. I am in no way blaming the parent for being depressed. Anyway…thanks again for your comment. I appreciate your perspective. You have given many excellent resources for people to go to. That said, you do not list your qualifications, except to say you are not a psychologist. You also make many generalizations, some not remotely true.

As just one example: you say a depressed parent is unable to love. Of course they are. Depression is highly treatable and, btw, common. Many parents who are depressed, are still very able to love and give to their chlldren. Narcissism: it depends the degree of narcissism. Never say all or none. And the ebook about grandmothers? This is a first. You have written an e-book, and you want to give advice by email and zoom for money. I guess you could do this legally,but is it ethical.

When you have personal issues surrounding this situation, you are going to have a biased view. Dude you make some dumb points and you are so wrong on so many levels. Cheers xx. By the way the author replies, I can tell she is a qualified psychologist.

I can also tell she has a prescription about you in her mind and knows how to deal with you very well. Thank you for the meditation. I am 60 yrs old and continue to deal with the pain of being unloved by my angry father. No matter how I tried to please him it was never enough. He recently told me that I am a terrible daughter for not visiting him more often. Everytime I am with him he says terrible things, it takes me days of not eating or sleeping to recover.

He recently ostracized me from the family. I am a very loving, caring mother to my children. The meditation opened my eyes that I do matter, I did not deserve his punishment. I will work on loving myself as I do the children I gave birth to. Released so many tears, thank you so very much!!! You are such an incredible, gentle, loving, brave soul! So proud of you, and happy that your children have such an amazing mother.

Interesting article , you have part of human behaviour right , but you lack wisdom. Your writing style suggests you were raised with a Western worldview with post-modern overtones. You need to do more research as some of your conclusions are logically inconsistent with your presuppositions.

Your email address will not be published. Each month I send my subscribers the roundup of the latest posts from the blog. That's it! No spam. If you'd like to stay in touch, click below to sign up. If you grew up with one of those parents, you went through unimaginable pain. This is the foundation of her self-esteem, her self-image, and all her future relationships. Deprived of such a connection, that foundation is shaky.

So…do you have a parent who is incapable of love disturbed? See if you recognize them in the descriptions below. This happens more often than you think. Each year, there are over , confirmed cases of abuse or neglect in the United States. The Depressed Parent While the screwed-up parent is incapable of love, the depressed parent is too sick to love. Sometimes they could barely register your existence.

Comments I was never loved as a child. My parents run my life. I do nothing lie. Hi- I have looked through your site and read where you say you are not a Doctor or psychologist unless that is out of date info. Hi, yes, of course. You can send me a message through a contact form. Nothing much else than that, I guess… I must admit my faults: I am defensive and often moody, but I know about these problems and I try my best not to stay in such a dour mood when I am with my children.

It is not mental illness at all that causes it. Maybe it is lack of empathy on my part. I really do not want ro be like her in any shape or form. I never meant my previous comment as an attack. I just think abuse in most cases is strictly behavioral and due to bad character.

I always thought my mom and at times myself was rageholic. Addiction I believe is behavioral whether it is cocaine, meth, alcohol, heroin, or even rage.

I would like you to consider this point of view and be open to it. I wish I was different. I learned to be hostile from my mother and I regret. Nor do they owe anyone endless justifications for their decision. Cutting off communication with one or both parents might have been the sanest and healthy thing for someone to do. The point of working through trauma — which might or might not end with you cutting off communication with your parents — is not to get around emotions but to see emotions more clearly, Cohen says.

If someone was abused by his or her stepfather, for example, they might learn that he was abused himself as a child and work through those feelings.

But they still might not want to talk to him ever again. Sure, it would be nice if kids had perfect grandparents. In an estrangement situation, what matters more is whether things are explained to them. Many people cut ties with parents without going through the process of healing from their own issues about the relationship. One consequence of doing that is that it influences their parenting style.

That could be even more difficult if both people come from an unhealthy background, which could keep the cycle going. Not feeling like you can count on relationships is a potential sign of toxic parenting. Freak out when you miss a deadline or have your novel gently turned down by an agent?

Children of toxic parents may experience more extreme shame and hurt than people whose parents were more outwardly loving. Those seemingly random moments of bursting into tear s when your partner asks you to meet them at the restaurant instead of the movie theater may not be so random. According to a study published in the journal Canadian Family Physician, being surrounded by abuse as a child can make adults very prone to disproportionately intense emotional responses.

However, in the long run, it teaches them to consistently disregard their own needs.


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