Where to send your form. Carer's Allowance Unit. Mail Handling Site A. WV98 2AB. You can claim within three months of the person you care for receiving a decision about their qualifying disability benefit. You can apply online. Your National Insurance number and your partners if you have a partner. Your bank or building society details unless you receive State Pension. You will also need details of the disabled person you care for.
You need their:. Date of birth and address. T: text phone , calls from typetalk are also welcome. For example, getting a job, or temporarily temporarily stop providing care for the disabled person you are claiming Carers Allowance for. The implications of not reporting any changes, may mean you could be overpaid and will be required to pay it back. You must also inform the Department for Work and Pensions if the person you care for dies.
However you or the person you care for could go on holiday or go into respite care or hospital, for example. In these situations, you will be allowed to continue your entitlement for:. This will remove inequities in the current arrangements and avoid confusion about the different backdating rules that currently exist. Carer Allowance is a supplementary payment available to people who provide daily care and attention, in a private home, to an adult or child with a disability or severe medical condition.
Currently Carer Allowance payments to carers of children under 16 years of age can be backdated for up to 52 weeks while payments to carers of adults can be backdated for a period of up to 26 weeks. You can use it to report a problem or suggest an improvement to a webpage. Enter your feedback characters maximum. Enter your question characters maximum. Extra comments optional. What to do next Comments or queries about angling can be emailed to anglingcorrespondence daera-ni.
What to do next If you have a comment or query about benefits, you will need to contact the government department or agency which handles that benefit. Carer's Allowance Call Email dcs. What to do next Comments or queries about the Blue Badge scheme can be emailed to bluebadges infrastructure-ni. What to do next For queries or advice about careers, contact the Careers Service.
What to do next For queries or advice about claiming compensation due to a road problem, contact DFI Roads claim unit. What to do next For queries about your identity check, email nida nidirect. What to do next For queries or advice about criminal record checks, email ani accessni. What to do next For queries or advice about employment rights, contact the Labour Relations Agency. What to do next If you wish to report a problem with a road or street you can do so online in this section.
For those of us still receiving any of the older benefits, we will move onto Universal Credit by It is paid by bank transfer to your nominated bank, building society or credit union account. You will need to notify the DWP of your changes in circumstance, to cease your payments. If you can't get Carer's Allowance, you may still be eligible for Carer's Credit - if you are still providing at least 20 hours of care.
If the person you care for does not receive any disability benefits then you can apply for Carer's Credit by completing a Care Certificate. This is completed with the help of a health or social care professional to confirm that the care you provide is needed. Use our checker tool to find out if you're eligible for Carer's Credit. Carer's Allowance may stop because of changes to your circumstances, temporary stops in caring and the death of the person you were caring for. You should always report any relevant changes to your circumstances.
If you do not report changes, you could be eligible to repay funds. Changes which should be reported, include:. When you are starting or ending full-time education. If the person you care for, no longer qualifies for their disability benefit in which you may still be eligible for Carer's Credit by completing a Care Certificate. If someone else takes over the caring role. You can report a change of circumstances through the Government website. This refers to any period of time, when you spend less than 35 hours a week caring for the other person.
The person you care for must still receive their disability benefit however. You can report your changes in circumstance here. For those of us in receipt of Carers' Allowance and living in Scotland, we may be eligible for the Carer's Allowance Supplement.